Mario Draghi and the thirty-year-long war on Italian democracy
Dear friends,
My latest article for American Affairs is out: it's mammoth long read on Mario Draghi and his role in the neoliberalisation and de-democratisation of Italy from the 1990s to this day. In it, I argue that Italy’s decades-long economic, social and political crisis is not the result of “changes in the global economy”, which Italy was allegedly unable to keep up with, nor of supposed “structural deficiencies” that eventually caught up with the country – as mainstream and liberal accounts would have us believe – but should rather be seen as the consequence of a silent coup that began in the early 1990s, aimed at surreptitiously overhauling not only Italy’s political economy, but the very nature of Italian democracy, with disastrous consequences.
Best regards,
Thomas Fazi
Twitter: @battleforeurope
Latest book: Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World (co-authored with Bill Mitchell)