Mario Draghi is the problem, not the solution
Dear all,
For those interested, here's my take on the upcoming Mario Draghi government in Italy. Long story short: Mario Draghi is the literal bodily incarnation of the post-Maastricht neoliberal political-economic model that has ruined Italy. To think that he could ever represent a solution to a disaster he contributed to create - first as director general of the Italian Treasury in the 1990s and then as president of the ECB, roles in which he oversaw mass privatisation, severe public spending cuts and tax hikes, and more in general Italy’s shackling to the euro straightjacket - fits Einstein's definition of “insanity”. Hope you enjoy it.
Best regards,
Thomas Fazi
Twitter: @battleforeurope
Latest book: Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World (co-authored with Bill Mitchell)