Same 3 ring circus with the same clowns, just a different ring. We all just need to remember "Fool me once fie on you Fool me twice fie on me". Just say no and actively resist.

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Yup. Same old BS by the same old BSh*tters, liars, criminals and ingrates of the corrupt CYSTem. These pos need to make like the birds and flock off. They are all murderers and dangers to Freedom and Justice. I would not piss on the best part of these murdering b*stards.

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Thank you! Love how you wrapped the article up. The freedoms we have today came at a price. I was taught world history as well as American history and my parents lived thru WW11. I had even heard of Flanders fields and the poppies but one day in Maine I saw a little park with a statute holding a torch and just these few lines “ ……if ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep …” It still gives me goosebumps not so much that their souls will have no rest but how that unrest will be visited upon us….

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Same circus that never seems to leave town. Ignore the entire rigamarole and live free and healthy.

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This time they ain't gonna get us like sheep 🐑...

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40 million new cases of Toxoplasmosis each year in the USA - no pandemic....10 million new cases of Syphilis in the USA, no pandemic, 20% of the population infected with Borrelia (Lyme) - no pandemic...what do they all have in common? NO VACCINE. so, if there isn't something they can sell there is no pandemic. And no one has been held accountable for the ongoing Democide of COVID, so why not try it again

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Hegelian Dialectic, Pt. 2

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Here amongst us: it's MOCKING us-pox, right?!

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The elites are just testing to see if the c0vip nightmare scared the sheeple enough to obey and get in line...

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Covid spike, Paxlovid hype; monkey pox, tales grow long as your knee socks: Bird Flu endorsed by WHO(birds killed, WHO willed): modified mosquitos, carrying viral loads, dropped by helicopters on county roads; simply waiting for more disease to score,planneed by those that go to war.

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Thank you for the link! Exactly the kind of intellectual and philsophical perspectives that shine a bright light into the dark corners of scientific mischief and human potential in need of guidance.

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No one was punished. Hence, this genocide will continue.

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"disgusting “anti-vax/conspiracy theorist/extreme right-winger”, and ostracised in every way imaginable" and an anti-semite

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"disgusting “anti-vax/conspiracy theorist/extreme right-winger”, and ostracised in every way imaginable" and an anti-semite

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Oh yes - and more to come

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Great to hear such eloquence from the left (not the fake left, though the latter's fraudulence should be clear from their neoliberalism and neoconservativism) - we of good faith are all in this together wherever we are on the political spectrum.

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