Great article in Unheard. We have gone from the Abraham Accords to a soft regional war in the Mideast. We have also overtly tried expanding WW2 relic NATO into the Ukraine igniting a regional War in Europe with a half a million dead and just one NATO bomb away from becoming a hot war for the U.S. All the while Xi consolidates his power at home and the Far East and plays Kingmaker in both Europe and the Mideast on our dime. To think America is potentially on the tip of a World War with events no longer in its control when three years ago American citizens voted for elderly Joe Biden because it was told Trump would lead us to War and Joe would lead America back to normal. Fingers crossed, 2024 will be interesting if not defining.
Sorry but what does “losing us Arab publics for a generation” mean exactly? If the never-ending stream of Western punditry about the Middle East could be culled to - say - 1% of its current volume, I don't believe anything much would be lost. But here anyway is my own two penn'orth: Israel is a little bit of the West stuck in a vast region historically and currently entirely alien to the Judeo-Christian roots of Western civilisation. Abandoning it to its own fate would not seem to be a very civilised thing to do (in Western terms anyway).
Great article in Unheard. We have gone from the Abraham Accords to a soft regional war in the Mideast. We have also overtly tried expanding WW2 relic NATO into the Ukraine igniting a regional War in Europe with a half a million dead and just one NATO bomb away from becoming a hot war for the U.S. All the while Xi consolidates his power at home and the Far East and plays Kingmaker in both Europe and the Mideast on our dime. To think America is potentially on the tip of a World War with events no longer in its control when three years ago American citizens voted for elderly Joe Biden because it was told Trump would lead us to War and Joe would lead America back to normal. Fingers crossed, 2024 will be interesting if not defining.
The best and most cynical explanation for the USA support of Israel was given by Robert Kennedy Jr.
Sorry but what does “losing us Arab publics for a generation” mean exactly? If the never-ending stream of Western punditry about the Middle East could be culled to - say - 1% of its current volume, I don't believe anything much would be lost. But here anyway is my own two penn'orth: Israel is a little bit of the West stuck in a vast region historically and currently entirely alien to the Judeo-Christian roots of Western civilisation. Abandoning it to its own fate would not seem to be a very civilised thing to do (in Western terms anyway).