Just read the Wagenknecht piece. It's so refreshing to see a Leftist argue in favor of the nation-state. So much of the contemporary Left is so disdainful of any form of nationalism, like it's a form of the plague. In my well-considered opinion, as someone who lives in the heart of the EU, is that our only hope is to regain national sovereignty and economic self-determination. Brava, Sahra!

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I put together a brief commentary on SW and your review here: https://cbrace.substack.com/p/sahra-wagenknechts-left-populism?sd=pf

Would love to do something on your new book when it appears!

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Thanks Colin! I'll make sure to let you know when it's about to come out! :)

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Thomas Fazi

Labor is already flexing their muscles, the rail workers were going to strike but agreed not to however the contract is still a tough sell to the members and the Teamsters at UPS have already started talking about a strike next July when their master agreement expires......

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