Interesting analysis but it fails to explain Israel's motives which presumably include the desire to stop murderous attacks on its sovereign territory. Which you might not have mentioned because you don't think it has any rights to any territory. But also interesting because it is totally different from the analysis of Obama's strategy for the Middle East per Tablet today. Who is right?
Thank you for the article and your analysis. If you're ruffling feathers on both sides you may be beginning to see and speak the truth. For those arguing about the most recent wiki info and who their screens told them who is worse and who to hate, I hope your eyes open and intellect expands when those screens that direct your feelings show you the burning the sinking and hope most choose peace and reject hate and use prayer to bind and foil the atomic retaliation your corrupt rulers planned.
Twice in the first four paragraphs of the article by David Hearst, the author asserts that Ismail Haniyeh was killed by an Israeli drone strike on Tehran. Subsequent press reports, however, argue that Haniyeh was killed by a bomb, presumably planted by the Israelis in the guest residence in which he was staying in Tehran. As Wikipedia puts it today, "On 31 July 2024, Haniyeh was assassinated by an explosive device planted in his guesthouse in Tehran by likely Israeli Mossad agents." (
The mode and method is not yet conclusive, given the more specific article in Wikipedia ( The latest from the IRGC states that "Haniyeh was killed with "a short-range projectile carrying about 7 kilograms (15 lb) of explosive materials" that was launched from outside the building he was staying in." Who are we to believe? The IRGC, or the Jerusalem Post, or Al-Jazeera? We know, anyway, that there's nothing called "Wikipedia puts it". It is just a hot mess of editors, each with his/her own agenda as they edit stories on that blighted site.
Interesting analysis but it fails to explain Israel's motives which presumably include the desire to stop murderous attacks on its sovereign territory. Which you might not have mentioned because you don't think it has any rights to any territory. But also interesting because it is totally different from the analysis of Obama's strategy for the Middle East per Tablet today. Who is right?
Thank you for the article and your analysis. If you're ruffling feathers on both sides you may be beginning to see and speak the truth. For those arguing about the most recent wiki info and who their screens told them who is worse and who to hate, I hope your eyes open and intellect expands when those screens that direct your feelings show you the burning the sinking and hope most choose peace and reject hate and use prayer to bind and foil the atomic retaliation your corrupt rulers planned.
If moderation is needed, it must start wit Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas becoming moderate.
Hamas is declaredly genocidal, which makes accusations of genocide against Israel rather dishonest.
Nothing dishonest about calling Israel genocidal.
While choosing to forget that Hamas is genocidal.
And there are democratic opponents to Netanyahu in Israel, but none to Hamas in the Muslim world.
Hamas is a reaction to an apartheid racist state.
Muslim states are brutal to non-Muslims. Are apartheid states, in fact.
Israel is governed from Jerusalem. It's a cheap shot to refer to its being governed from Tel Aviv.
Silly too, since Tel Aviv is rather liberal.
Twice in the first four paragraphs of the article by David Hearst, the author asserts that Ismail Haniyeh was killed by an Israeli drone strike on Tehran. Subsequent press reports, however, argue that Haniyeh was killed by a bomb, presumably planted by the Israelis in the guest residence in which he was staying in Tehran. As Wikipedia puts it today, "On 31 July 2024, Haniyeh was assassinated by an explosive device planted in his guesthouse in Tehran by likely Israeli Mossad agents." (
The mode and method is not yet conclusive, given the more specific article in Wikipedia ( The latest from the IRGC states that "Haniyeh was killed with "a short-range projectile carrying about 7 kilograms (15 lb) of explosive materials" that was launched from outside the building he was staying in." Who are we to believe? The IRGC, or the Jerusalem Post, or Al-Jazeera? We know, anyway, that there's nothing called "Wikipedia puts it". It is just a hot mess of editors, each with his/her own agenda as they edit stories on that blighted site.
Great analysis, wrong conclusion. Islamism vs. the Enlightenment.