thanks thomas! i think there is a typo in your article on the date here - "September 27, 2014, just one day after the sabotage of Nord Stream." sept 26th, 2022 was the date of the sabotage..
I recall that soon after the explosion those who follow aircraft movements reported that a helicopter had flown (I think from the Netherlands) directly to and circled the precise spot of the explosion and then returned shortly before it occurred. This chimes with the information given to Hersh about the explosive devices being in place well before the sabotage and then triggered remotely.
The NordStream attack was a warning to Berlin: see if you don't get in line for arming Ukraine and for buying our overprized and useless F-35, we can really do things that'll hurt you. And if you investigate the attack, we'll start by cutting you off from LNG gas too.
Already on December 14 I wrote about who broke the North Stream pipeline :
I have a very close friend, we go back almost 30 years. He studied informatics and now works as an IT expert at the US base Rammstein in Germany. All messages between the US White House and the Middle East pass through his office. He must secure that the codification is not broken and kept clean.
On the 6 of December 2024 at 2.44 AM, the following was cabled from Washington to Idlib:
"Go within 72 hours. All material lost will be resupplied within 48 hours. JB/POTUS "
So who was behind the HTS overthrow of Assad? This cable shows that the White House "surprise" of Assad's fall was all theater. Behind it was : JB/POTUS
So please, you do not have to speculate anymore if the CIA was behind, because my friend already revealed it.
In December he wrote me he had deciphered a mail, where he could not understand the meaning. It said : Cable Fl/EE next. JB/POTUS
Only now do we now what it means. Again a message to the CIA to destroy the underwater cables between Finland and Estonia. And then again they put the blame on Russia. What a dirty play!!
4. Track record - the US has blown up pipelines on at least 2 previous occasions
5. Control of the crime scene - the US and its allies had exclusive access to the crime scene and prevented impartial investigation. Swedish sonar sensors on Bornholm monitor all see traffic (Russian submarines, etc.) passing the island. It's the most closely monitored waterway in the world.
6. The US has tried to prevent Russia/German pipeline and gas business for at least 60 years.
It just goes to show how reckless the Neocons have become. It has the potential to blow up Nato sometimes in the future, when people will ask why the German economy had to be sacrificed.
Not sure why the CIA would have warned the Germans in summer 2022 of a likely attack on ns2 if they intended to destroy it. 4D chess maybe?
Then we have Liz Truss and the Brits, who openly threatened ns2 5 days before the attack. Then Truss texts to Blinken "it's done" on 9/27. Then Truss is booted out of office.
Journalist / investigator, Freddie Ponton also researched this. This attack was orchestrated by USA with help of Norwegian and U.K. experts. German government obviously knew about this and as a subordinate state to the USA did not protest.
I seem to recall that in Seymour Hersch’s theory, Norway was a key player in the attack because along with the US it was or is developing & promoting hydrogen technology as a ‘green’ solution. We do not hear much about that now so Poland seems the more likely partner. Whatever the case, the US had voiced clear intent of wanting to do destroy this piece of European infrastructure to advance its geopolitical aims.
Very insightful analysis of the economic dimension especially. Love the idea of Schmidt telling the Yanks to quack on.
As a postscript, not so long ago iirc there were media reports of a Finnish Harbour Master in the area who finally went public with some information about US Naval Vessels loitering in the spot a few weeks before the pipeline explosion that happened at exactly the same location.
He says that he reported it at the time but was told he needed to keep silent for 'security reasons'.
On April 3 2023 The Washington Post published a large investigative article by 5 experienced journalists with contacts to various police authorities, intelligence officers and politicians in Poland, Germany and the USA. It concluded that the West did not really want to proceed with the investigations to find a culprit, which also is confirmed by the present article by Florian Warweg.
Here a couple of quotes from the WP article:
"For all the intrigue around who bombed the pipeline, some Western officials are not so eager to find out. At gatherings of European and NATO policymakers, officials have settled into a rhythm, said one senior European diplomat: “Don’t talk about Nord Stream.” Leaders see little benefit from digging too deeply and finding an uncomfortable answer, the diplomat said, echoing sentiments of several peers in other countries who said they would rather not have to deal with the possibility that Ukraine or allies were involved."
"Since no country is yet ruled out from having carried out the attack, officials said they were loath to share suspicions that could accidentally anger a friendly government that might have had a hand in bombing Nord Stream. In the absence of concrete clues, an awkward silence has prevailed. “It’s like a corpse at a family gathering,” the European diplomat said, reaching for a grim analogy. Everyone can see there’s a body lying there, but pretends things are normal. “It’s better not to know.”"
thanks thomas! i think there is a typo in your article on the date here - "September 27, 2014, just one day after the sabotage of Nord Stream." sept 26th, 2022 was the date of the sabotage..
Thanks, fixed!
I recall that soon after the explosion those who follow aircraft movements reported that a helicopter had flown (I think from the Netherlands) directly to and circled the precise spot of the explosion and then returned shortly before it occurred. This chimes with the information given to Hersh about the explosive devices being in place well before the sabotage and then triggered remotely.
That is very interesting. I will ask my friend at the Rammstein military base if he knows anything about this
Well, of COURSE the US blew up that pipeline.
My question is why the Germans went along with it.
Perhaps they were promised cheap gas from Palestine, Which is why they are so fixed with genocide
The NordStream attack was a warning to Berlin: see if you don't get in line for arming Ukraine and for buying our overprized and useless F-35, we can really do things that'll hurt you. And if you investigate the attack, we'll start by cutting you off from LNG gas too.
Germany is a vassal state of the US. Why else would they allow US military bases in their country.
Already on December 14 I wrote about who broke the North Stream pipeline :
I have a very close friend, we go back almost 30 years. He studied informatics and now works as an IT expert at the US base Rammstein in Germany. All messages between the US White House and the Middle East pass through his office. He must secure that the codification is not broken and kept clean.
On the 6 of December 2024 at 2.44 AM, the following was cabled from Washington to Idlib:
"Go within 72 hours. All material lost will be resupplied within 48 hours. JB/POTUS "
So who was behind the HTS overthrow of Assad? This cable shows that the White House "surprise" of Assad's fall was all theater. Behind it was : JB/POTUS
So please, you do not have to speculate anymore if the CIA was behind, because my friend already revealed it.
In December he wrote me he had deciphered a mail, where he could not understand the meaning. It said : Cable Fl/EE next. JB/POTUS
Only now do we now what it means. Again a message to the CIA to destroy the underwater cables between Finland and Estonia. And then again they put the blame on Russia. What a dirty play!!
Excellent summary. Well done!
Any court in the world would rule the US guilty based on circumstantial evidence:
1. Intention - (Biden: we will terminate NordStream)
2. Means - Nato maneuver, etc.
3. Motive - Selling overprized LNG to Germany (Blinken: tremendous opportunity)
4. Track record - the US has blown up pipelines on at least 2 previous occasions
5. Control of the crime scene - the US and its allies had exclusive access to the crime scene and prevented impartial investigation. Swedish sonar sensors on Bornholm monitor all see traffic (Russian submarines, etc.) passing the island. It's the most closely monitored waterway in the world.
6. The US has tried to prevent Russia/German pipeline and gas business for at least 60 years.
It just goes to show how reckless the Neocons have become. It has the potential to blow up Nato sometimes in the future, when people will ask why the German economy had to be sacrificed.
7. Big oil companies thrive under Bidens precidential , and oil companies where big donors for the Kamala Harris campain:
Not sure why the CIA would have warned the Germans in summer 2022 of a likely attack on ns2 if they intended to destroy it. 4D chess maybe?
Then we have Liz Truss and the Brits, who openly threatened ns2 5 days before the attack. Then Truss texts to Blinken "it's done" on 9/27. Then Truss is booted out of office.
Sy Hersh covers for the UK.
That is fake news presented by media
Is it? Did you know the Russians specifically accused Britain of blowing up ns2? Not Poland, not USA, only Britain.
Ok. UK can but it is a joint operation of NATO/EU
Journalist / investigator, Freddie Ponton also researched this. This attack was orchestrated by USA with help of Norwegian and U.K. experts. German government obviously knew about this and as a subordinate state to the USA did not protest.
Biden stated that the US would do it
I seem to recall that in Seymour Hersch’s theory, Norway was a key player in the attack because along with the US it was or is developing & promoting hydrogen technology as a ‘green’ solution. We do not hear much about that now so Poland seems the more likely partner. Whatever the case, the US had voiced clear intent of wanting to do destroy this piece of European infrastructure to advance its geopolitical aims.
Very insightful analysis of the economic dimension especially. Love the idea of Schmidt telling the Yanks to quack on.
As a postscript, not so long ago iirc there were media reports of a Finnish Harbour Master in the area who finally went public with some information about US Naval Vessels loitering in the spot a few weeks before the pipeline explosion that happened at exactly the same location.
He says that he reported it at the time but was told he needed to keep silent for 'security reasons'.
This is exactly the same story I heard from a man working for Nokia in Finland
On April 3 2023 The Washington Post published a large investigative article by 5 experienced journalists with contacts to various police authorities, intelligence officers and politicians in Poland, Germany and the USA. It concluded that the West did not really want to proceed with the investigations to find a culprit, which also is confirmed by the present article by Florian Warweg.
Here a couple of quotes from the WP article:
"For all the intrigue around who bombed the pipeline, some Western officials are not so eager to find out. At gatherings of European and NATO policymakers, officials have settled into a rhythm, said one senior European diplomat: “Don’t talk about Nord Stream.” Leaders see little benefit from digging too deeply and finding an uncomfortable answer, the diplomat said, echoing sentiments of several peers in other countries who said they would rather not have to deal with the possibility that Ukraine or allies were involved."
"Since no country is yet ruled out from having carried out the attack, officials said they were loath to share suspicions that could accidentally anger a friendly government that might have had a hand in bombing Nord Stream. In the absence of concrete clues, an awkward silence has prevailed. “It’s like a corpse at a family gathering,” the European diplomat said, reaching for a grim analogy. Everyone can see there’s a body lying there, but pretends things are normal. “It’s better not to know.”"
'increased cooperation between Berlin and Moscow'
Add to that a few centuries of British foreign policy aimed at keeping RU and DE at a distance. Not fromt the UK but from each other.