Feb 9Liked by Thomas Fazi

It reminded me of Philip Mirowski’s thesis - if market does not work, try market again 😎 and his claim that neoliberals have three steps how to make more money from the environmental catastrophe- first is carbocredits, which everybody knows that they do not work…..then is this techno-science-fiction while they hope that the technology will actually develop….etc….. I suppose, making money while financialising everything is simply proceeding uninterrupted into the future. Thank you, Thomas.

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This idea of solar engineering becomes insanely dangerous when you understand that Earth is entering a cooling phase - electroverse substack, Valentina Zharkova et al.

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To say that with any plausibility means you really should address the data and impacts. The catastrophe is the reality of planetary system changes flowing from our industrial civilisation, our numbers, our consumption, our waste, our patent refusal to adopt old Greek virtues like moderation and rationality. So, the impact on people's psyches is one of the consequences. Poverty's never been good for most people's psyches either. Mass death will be another consequence with the Four Horsemen playing their part. You are kicking one of the effects, not the causes, and rail though you might, it will change nothing. Doomers laugh quite a lot btw. Life was always contingent and extinction is every species' fate sooner or later. Wisdom beckons but outrage seems to appeal to so many, so futilely.

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Yes, civilisation will make a certain number of people go crazy. We've known that for a long time. Climate doomerism is simply the latest iteration of that.

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Given what is now emerging as the consequence of cleaning up shipping fuel to reduce sulphur emissions - the removal of an agent that to some extent offset the full heating effect of our combined fossil fuel consumption - it's inevitable that solar radiation management options'll be explored and probably implemented. The former UK Chief Scientist has argued for years for the need to increase Arctic sea ice by, for eg, the use of mirrors. If you were monitoring the rate of ocean surface heating, you might be less opposed. Of course, reducing total energy consumption and rapidly reducing oil consumption by rationing for priority uses would be great, perhaps too late, but also impossible to achieve globally. So on we press, war adding its dose of emissions to a catastrophic situation. Doomers aren't fools.

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It's utterly deranged and the fact that anyone would seriously consider this is a testament to the catastrophic effect climate doomerism is having on people's psyches.

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