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I read some of the comments to that energy article. All too familiar sentiments I'm afraid. The Covid business made lots of people hugely skeptical of government interventions in our lives. I understand it, especially given our truly awful our politicians are these days. Thing is, you're absolutely correct. Certain basic necessities like energy can best be arranged collectively, but to suggest that in the current situation is to invite a torrent of the most rancid anti-communist invective, as I myself have experienced in the comments sections of Substack. Then of course there are the people convinced the Chinese Communist Party is actively part of a grand conspiracy to digitally enslave us all. Sigh...

There's a piece on energy politics by F Wiliam Engdahl just up which I find interesting but not entirely convincing. He believes a lot of what we're seeing is deliberate policy. If this indeed the case, it doesn't seem at all likely we will be seeing nationalization of energy services any time soon...


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