Skidelsky's bio of Keynes was excellent

This isn't. Eg, UKR is not a country of 37M. It wouldn't even be half that at this point.

& far from being 'outarmed' by NATO countries, Russia has destroyed NATO armies, not once, but three times.

I agree that European countries are safe from Russia invasion; inter alia, Russia's greatest weakeness is its declining population; even before Feb 2022 it was losing 100,000 people pa.

If NATO actually DID declare war against Russia, Putin would hit every military base in Europe with tactical nukes.

Is this what the stupid, feckless European leaders and their idiotic US Godfather want?

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The problem was not that Britain appeased Hitler, it's that they didn't appease Hitler enough. Germany's demands were mostly reasonable requests to correct the grave injustices of Versaille. But powerful factions within the British establishment clearly wanted war and wanted to provoke Germany. The situation was really quite similar to the current one, and the Hitler-Putin analogy is actually not unreasonable, just not in the way usually intended. On geopolitics, Hitler was more of a Putin than Putin is a new Hitler.

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