Ilan Pappé: "Despite its tremendous influence over the American political system, AIPAC has proven unable to stem the systemic shift in public opinion regarding Israel — in America and globally"
Not true and true. Can be both at the same time of course because it depends on what the words 'god almighty' mean.
If you go along with the reports of the NDE people you don't 'end' god almighty, quite the opposite, you get to where there is nought else, but you 'end' god almighty as an excuse for the zionist project.
I suggest Israelis go to the Jewish Autonomous region set aside for them. Of course this doesn't accord with their belief in the Jerusalem thing. Well I don't much care. They have forfeited all rights for 'care'.
I wish some of the people who are indignant with Israel, would be equally indignant with Hamas, on whom rests most of the culpability for the Gaza tragedy.
'it’s not just wishful thinking. It’s not the words of an activist [but of] someone who follows the history of Israel and Zionism. I’m 100 percent convinced we are at the midst of the last chapter in this Zionist project in Palestine. And last chapters are violent, they are decolonisation kind of chapters. I’m worried and at the same time I’m more hopeful for the long distance,' says Pappé. 📢
Thanks for article. The basic problem with the two state solution and even the one state solution with Jews and Palestines ' being equal ' is that the Jews don't want that. And as a dear Palestininan once pointed out to me...why would Pallestinians want to share with the people that genocided them ? I agree with Miko Peled although I haven't deeply studied his ideas, but I have listened carefully to a few of his longer interviews - Palestine needs to control it all. It has to be Palestine as it was only now more wise and sophisticated, as THEY WANT IT. They let Jews and Brits in before, they probably will again but not as equals. As Palestinians.
I think there is a third Israel - mainly secular, socialist, and peaceful - the original Kibbutz people who were very inclusive and pro-palestinian., but I don't know the numbers.
A one state solution is the only logical and fair choice for Israel’s progress but sooner or later that would result in a Muslim majority and, as in all other Muslim majority nations, second class status for Jews, Christians, Druze, Samaritans, Bahai etc. It would be impossible to guarantee that a one state solution could perpetuate Jewish rule. Jewish religious attachment to Jerusalem is another complicating factor.
I think that a solution may be found by re-recognising Jordan as Palestine and fostering a resettlement programme with commensurate compensation and investment and a loose federal arrangement uniting Israel and Palestine/Jordan with respect to common interests. This solution will not suit King Abdullah as he would have an even higher percentage of Palestinians in his kingdom and they are troublesome to control
Well the whole point of a one-state solution is to put an end to Jewish supremacist rule over the Palestinians. But yes I agree that politically it's politically inconceivable at the moment, in part due to the demographic issue.
I don't believe that. Just as Russians are Russian that land should be Palestinian and everyone with a passport with be Palestinians...and no dual citizenships neither.
that ' king ' is an installment and the people are actually - many of them - Palestinians that can't return. Of course they want Palestine from the river to the sea - and the peoples in the area want that. Only the governments of the fake states - SA UAE Jordan et al don't want it...they are puppets of the US policy of a gateway to the east....and those fake creations of Lawrence of Arabia will be gone too.
To end the "Zionist Project" you would first have to end God Almighty, by whose will Israel exists as a Jewish state.
With the West again becoming a place of persecution for Jews, many Diaspora Jews will soon need Israel as a refuge.
Not true and true. Can be both at the same time of course because it depends on what the words 'god almighty' mean.
If you go along with the reports of the NDE people you don't 'end' god almighty, quite the opposite, you get to where there is nought else, but you 'end' god almighty as an excuse for the zionist project.
I suggest Israelis go to the Jewish Autonomous region set aside for them. Of course this doesn't accord with their belief in the Jerusalem thing. Well I don't much care. They have forfeited all rights for 'care'.
Just as the Americans did when they gave standing ovations in the Congress to Netanyahu the mass murderer. Here, did you know it is there? :
I wish some of the people who are indignant with Israel, would be equally indignant with Hamas, on whom rests most of the culpability for the Gaza tragedy.
A democratic, One State solution is impossible, since democracy doesn't flourish among Muslims.
Nor amongst Christians, nor amongst atheists. Democracy does not flourish.
'it’s not just wishful thinking. It’s not the words of an activist [but of] someone who follows the history of Israel and Zionism. I’m 100 percent convinced we are at the midst of the last chapter in this Zionist project in Palestine. And last chapters are violent, they are decolonisation kind of chapters. I’m worried and at the same time I’m more hopeful for the long distance,' says Pappé. 📢
Thanks for article. The basic problem with the two state solution and even the one state solution with Jews and Palestines ' being equal ' is that the Jews don't want that. And as a dear Palestininan once pointed out to me...why would Pallestinians want to share with the people that genocided them ? I agree with Miko Peled although I haven't deeply studied his ideas, but I have listened carefully to a few of his longer interviews - Palestine needs to control it all. It has to be Palestine as it was only now more wise and sophisticated, as THEY WANT IT. They let Jews and Brits in before, they probably will again but not as equals. As Palestinians.
I think there is a third Israel - mainly secular, socialist, and peaceful - the original Kibbutz people who were very inclusive and pro-palestinian., but I don't know the numbers.
A one state solution is the only logical and fair choice for Israel’s progress but sooner or later that would result in a Muslim majority and, as in all other Muslim majority nations, second class status for Jews, Christians, Druze, Samaritans, Bahai etc. It would be impossible to guarantee that a one state solution could perpetuate Jewish rule. Jewish religious attachment to Jerusalem is another complicating factor.
I think that a solution may be found by re-recognising Jordan as Palestine and fostering a resettlement programme with commensurate compensation and investment and a loose federal arrangement uniting Israel and Palestine/Jordan with respect to common interests. This solution will not suit King Abdullah as he would have an even higher percentage of Palestinians in his kingdom and they are troublesome to control
Well the whole point of a one-state solution is to put an end to Jewish supremacist rule over the Palestinians. But yes I agree that politically it's politically inconceivable at the moment, in part due to the demographic issue.
The only alternative to Jewish supremacist rule over the Palestinians, is Palestinian supremacist rule over the Jews.
Which would swiftly result in the massacre or exile of the Jews.
I don't believe that. Just as Russians are Russian that land should be Palestinian and everyone with a passport with be Palestinians...and no dual citizenships neither.
I've visited Jordan,. and I'm not sure they would want that!
that ' king ' is an installment and the people are actually - many of them - Palestinians that can't return. Of course they want Palestine from the river to the sea - and the peoples in the area want that. Only the governments of the fake states - SA UAE Jordan et al don't want it...they are puppets of the US policy of a gateway to the east....and those fake creations of Lawrence of Arabia will be gone too.
Er, no, never mind: have YOU visited Jordan, or the Middle East , at all?
I don't think Lawrence of Arabia has much to do with it!