The failure to renew nuclear treaties or to maintain a nuclear hotline - especially in the current climate - must make an accident more likely. But for the heroic restraint displayed by Stanislaus Petrov in 1983 this would already have occurred. A detailed and thoroughly researched article, though I must say I have more confidence in the rationality and measured conduct of Putin, Lavrov et al. than in the deluded, febrile and stupid leaders we have in the West. Biden, Macron, Scholz, Cameron, Sullivan…and all the Deep State actors pulling their strings, are so ignorant and arrogant they might do anything! And given the number of grave errors thus far that have brought us to this terrible impasse, they cannot be trusted. I have never been so afraid in my life, and I don’t see any way of changing direction.
The USA/Americans definitely do not see Russia as essential to security as I think Fazi says in the article. I think my "fellow Americans" (USA) think they need to dominate everybody everywhere and THAT is the very simple problem, as I have directly stated it. They think that THEY are more important. Why? They, the great superior US/Americans who created North America ---out of NOTHING mind you!!!!# In short: these Americans have a mentality that suggests they need to dominate everywhere. This is, I believe, their sickness. The megalomaniacs who operation in the American security/defense apparatus are off they rockers!!!!# (lightly edited at 3:10 PM)
I think it was about 2017 when I realized a nuclear war was becoming increasingly inevitable. As things stand now, it will take something along the lines of divine intervention to save us. But there's no point in worrying about it, it will either happen or not, we have no control over the situation. Western civilization had a good run, nothing lasts forever.
The failure to renew nuclear treaties or to maintain a nuclear hotline - especially in the current climate - must make an accident more likely. But for the heroic restraint displayed by Stanislaus Petrov in 1983 this would already have occurred. A detailed and thoroughly researched article, though I must say I have more confidence in the rationality and measured conduct of Putin, Lavrov et al. than in the deluded, febrile and stupid leaders we have in the West. Biden, Macron, Scholz, Cameron, Sullivan…and all the Deep State actors pulling their strings, are so ignorant and arrogant they might do anything! And given the number of grave errors thus far that have brought us to this terrible impasse, they cannot be trusted. I have never been so afraid in my life, and I don’t see any way of changing direction.
The USA/Americans definitely do not see Russia as essential to security as I think Fazi says in the article. I think my "fellow Americans" (USA) think they need to dominate everybody everywhere and THAT is the very simple problem, as I have directly stated it. They think that THEY are more important. Why? They, the great superior US/Americans who created North America ---out of NOTHING mind you!!!!# In short: these Americans have a mentality that suggests they need to dominate everywhere. This is, I believe, their sickness. The megalomaniacs who operation in the American security/defense apparatus are off they rockers!!!!# (lightly edited at 3:10 PM)
Now I read more of it. I read most of part I, that is to say. I am very, very impressed with it. There is some valuable, informative writing here.
b.t.w. I saw also a little of those bulleted points, written by Thomas Fazi (?) that come more towards the end, right after the block quotations
I think it was about 2017 when I realized a nuclear war was becoming increasingly inevitable. As things stand now, it will take something along the lines of divine intervention to save us. But there's no point in worrying about it, it will either happen or not, we have no control over the situation. Western civilization had a good run, nothing lasts forever.