She is another hitler, and hopefully there will be a wake up call for member states soon, she is despicable, and her private little hush hush billion dollar vaccine deal with Bourla tells all the truth that needs to be told, she should be arrested.

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It's the EU economy that is being peeled back and the Commission / v/d L;eyen will now not only have to own the deindustrialization of Europe but also its resurrection, as well as Ukraine’s economic ‘restart’...

And all that indeed as a US dominion.

Next step is obviously Draghi's wet mutualization dream. Though his report is considered less dramatic in this post:

Europe vs US – is panic over productivity gap justified?


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If Trump is elected this November, the EU and vdL will very soon shrink in their dimensions.

And it's difficult to imagine Harris playing second-fiddle to, or even alongside, vdL.

In Europe, things may come to a bare-knuckles fight between the Commission and the German Chancellor; the latter holding the purse-strings and having the Armed Forces.

Could neo-con Sikorski and the Baltic minnows step in to fill the breach ? No.

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As countries like France and Germany decline and get into difficulties, the way is open for power-grabs by the Commission and the likes of vdL.

Trouble is, the power of the EU is built on the power of the nation-states upholding it, whether the EU likes that or not.

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