"The energy needs of digital companies are increasing rapidly. Greenland is home to some of the world's largest raw material reserves. Trump is showing the digital corporations through his Greenland initiative: I am your devoted servant, even using force if necessary."

Ernst Wolff, 8 January 2025

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I enjoyed the linked UnHerd article, thank you.

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We are returning to explicitly asume in public the importance of "vital space" for the States, the need of territory or resources and the power as a main factor in relations between States. This has always been like that, but after the II WW it has been said under euphemistics and vague words; using the "world based on rules" as a justification of this, but it has also existed some kind of naif idealism in some minds.

Turkey, Israel, Russia and now the USA have maid public speeches (and also actions) according to that. Even the UE is talking about that, except it is doing bad under my view; and this "back to realism" explains the behaviour of Hungary or Austria. This behaviour based on power and in pure realism is now visible, there is not hidden any more. That's why we see neutrality States and an acknowledge of look for the own interests beyond ideologies and moral issues. It can be joined with ethics, but always be a "gap" and will depend on the power and the needs of the countries.

By the way, China is also completing his Monroe Doctrine: is assuring the seas around, trying to control that any other foreign policy put their noses on their neighbours and controlling, like the US did in the XIX, their own "West" through connectivity and exploiting their resources.

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It seems US was asking greenland since 1860's ( time to time) .it isn't like US would get any more military privileges.

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whether its a good thing ( more regardign Canada which is where I live ) or a bad thing - its so arrogant and so behind the times as far as what humanity needs now. I'm so sick of this macho ruler of the world game we are forced to watch at our own peril. I'm sick of it.

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But how stable is “the China-Russia axis”? It’s arguably predicated on the neoliberal “re-enemization” of Russia by the Democrats and NATO in their Strangelovian nostalgia for the Cold War. The enemy of my enemy is my friend—but what if my enemy becomes my friend? Trump has always been friendlier to Putin, and I’ve long thought that Putin’s leadership of the world’s social-reactionary Christianity would make for an amenable rightist alliance against China on “civilizational” grounds. Then along comes this bombshell https://www.mind-war.com/p/the-plan-to-carve-up-the-world-is?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web taking that idea even further—maybe too far? It would be interesting to hear your response.

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There’s another factor too, which sounds like indulging tech-bro funders’ fantasies but is obliquely linked to rare earth minerals: https://x.com/jennycohn1/status/1877052010559844478

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How long wil Atlanticism survive?

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I am afraid I agree with your analysis, including the constitutional unpreparedness of Europe to deal with the geopolitical dynamics accelerating with the return of Trump. However, I wonder how you reconcile this analysis with your strong advocacy elsewhere of the nation state as the only viable political form of existence for European countries: if you allow me a provocation, following up on your analysis, should not you perhaps speak of the ‘nation pawn’ or the ‘nation midget’ instead of the nation state next time you approach the question?

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