To be fair, some British media did cover exactly these points, and we all know that football fans are not angels. I'm a soccer fan myself in Glasgow, and we are used to such flashpoints. Religious and national rivalries, often in the same city, fuelled by booze and testosterone. The BIG question we need to ask is why the hell is Israel, a Middle Eastern country, allowed to take part in a EUROPEAN championship anyway> Same with the Eurovision song contest etc etc etc.
'local community, particularly those of Arab or Palestinian descent'
Having lived my whole life in Mokum (Jiddisch slang for A'dam) and having experienced all the stages of Nothern African immigration i consider the above text rather one sided (like Al Jazeera's).
No doubt football fans / hooligans sought confrontation(s). But it's mainly Moroccan hoodlums who lead the Gaza 'protests' and who were involved in the Maccabi riots.
Historically (by now) Moroccan immigrants (and the 2nd and 3nd generations - worse 'integrated' than the first but obviously that's the racist Dutch fault) also lead the NL crime statistics and have been doing so for decades - basically from the moment of entry.
The cultural divergence led to confrontations that were no doubt 'remarkable' for Dutch progressives. As even progressive newspapers wrote in the late 70s / early 80s of Moroccan men approaching NL women on the street or a children's play ground; 'hey, wanna fuck?' These days those papers of course subscribe to a wholly different gospel and curb reality as much as possible (same for climate, UA etc).
Our Moroccan 20 somethings don't need foreign visitors to produce riots. Police 'injustice', football results, internal rivalries (we now have more street bombings than the Swedes or Danes, check out 'Rotterdam + bombs') suffice.
When criticized the Moroccan 'community' shells up and produces indignance at best, violence at worst.
To test contemporary ethnic chemistry: on your next visit put on a kippah or a scarf and see which is more comfortable. Don't forget to make your way out of the city center where young academically credentialed tourists stand in long lines to buy cookies and soopies. As TikTok is their guide.
PS. As the University of Amsterdam is the center of 'resistance' (a collection of white studens and masked Muslim ie Moroccan allies who produce most of the violence and verbal aggression) it produced, demanded by the protesters/rioters who want the UVA to 'divest' from Jewish money, the Netherlands' first Jew-list (Israeli companies tied to the UVA) since 40/45.
A little bit too sinister for some and representative of the general lack of backbone of university admins.
Also live in amsterdam and this essay or article is so factually incorrect UnHerd removed it within a few hours of publication. Shouty and rude footballers does not rationalise the PREMEDITATED and organised attack on them. Maybe the author should stick to subjects he knows, or bother to translate some local Dutch news.
Wat Nijman has collected so far: taxi drivers - in A'dam predominantly of immigrant decent - were sharing real time locations of Maccabi supporters with Jew-hunter app groups. Who are typically quite mobile scooter enthusiasts. While hotel receptionists also shared info in these app groups and cafes put supporters outside. Perhaps because they prefer trouble outside vs inside.
Also live in amsterdam and this essay or article is so factually incorrect UnHerd removed it within a few hours of publication. Shouty and rude footballers does not rationalise the PREMEDITATED and organised attack on them. Maybe the author should stick to subjects he knows, or bother to translate some local Dutch news.
I can’t get my head around the intransigence of MSM when it comes to apportioning any blame to any Israeli or Jewish person. The arrogance of these guys. The brazen self-righteousness. And yet they cannot be guilty of any crime. They can do no wrong. This is all the more extraordinary in the face of what is taking place in Gaza - and now Lebanon. Everyone knows this is genocide and indiscriminate killing and yet they all pretend it isn’t happening. Ok - I get the Israel lobby, the extent of Jewish influence over governments, but for the rest of us? Do they think we are blind, deaf and dumb? Well done to the Moroccans and pro-Palestinians who beat the s_ _ _ out of these obnoxious d_ _ _heads. I hope they all get skewered when they get called up by the IDF. And thank you Thomas for once again setting the record straight. Truth must be told.
To be fair, some British media did cover exactly these points, and we all know that football fans are not angels. I'm a soccer fan myself in Glasgow, and we are used to such flashpoints. Religious and national rivalries, often in the same city, fuelled by booze and testosterone. The BIG question we need to ask is why the hell is Israel, a Middle Eastern country, allowed to take part in a EUROPEAN championship anyway> Same with the Eurovision song contest etc etc etc.
'local community, particularly those of Arab or Palestinian descent'
Having lived my whole life in Mokum (Jiddisch slang for A'dam) and having experienced all the stages of Nothern African immigration i consider the above text rather one sided (like Al Jazeera's).
No doubt football fans / hooligans sought confrontation(s). But it's mainly Moroccan hoodlums who lead the Gaza 'protests' and who were involved in the Maccabi riots.
Historically (by now) Moroccan immigrants (and the 2nd and 3nd generations - worse 'integrated' than the first but obviously that's the racist Dutch fault) also lead the NL crime statistics and have been doing so for decades - basically from the moment of entry.
The cultural divergence led to confrontations that were no doubt 'remarkable' for Dutch progressives. As even progressive newspapers wrote in the late 70s / early 80s of Moroccan men approaching NL women on the street or a children's play ground; 'hey, wanna fuck?' These days those papers of course subscribe to a wholly different gospel and curb reality as much as possible (same for climate, UA etc).
Our Moroccan 20 somethings don't need foreign visitors to produce riots. Police 'injustice', football results, internal rivalries (we now have more street bombings than the Swedes or Danes, check out 'Rotterdam + bombs') suffice.
When criticized the Moroccan 'community' shells up and produces indignance at best, violence at worst.
To test contemporary ethnic chemistry: on your next visit put on a kippah or a scarf and see which is more comfortable. Don't forget to make your way out of the city center where young academically credentialed tourists stand in long lines to buy cookies and soopies. As TikTok is their guide.
PS. As the University of Amsterdam is the center of 'resistance' (a collection of white studens and masked Muslim ie Moroccan allies who produce most of the violence and verbal aggression) it produced, demanded by the protesters/rioters who want the UVA to 'divest' from Jewish money, the Netherlands' first Jew-list (Israeli companies tied to the UVA) since 40/45.
A little bit too sinister for some and representative of the general lack of backbone of university admins.
Also live in amsterdam and this essay or article is so factually incorrect UnHerd removed it within a few hours of publication. Shouty and rude footballers does not rationalise the PREMEDITATED and organised attack on them. Maybe the author should stick to subjects he knows, or bother to translate some local Dutch news.
If you understand Dutch: here are some of the pro palestinian 'protesters' dumb enough to post their videos online: 'Toninght we're hunting Jews!',enthousiaste,-Jodenjagers%20zelf%20gedeelde
Wat Nijman has collected so far: taxi drivers - in A'dam predominantly of immigrant decent - were sharing real time locations of Maccabi supporters with Jew-hunter app groups. Who are typically quite mobile scooter enthusiasts. While hotel receptionists also shared info in these app groups and cafes put supporters outside. Perhaps because they prefer trouble outside vs inside.
Interesting take on racial separatism. So you'll be advocating for the end of Euro-Jewish immigration into Palestine then?
thanks thomas.. you might appreciate reading moon of alabamas post on this for further insights..
bernhard posted this early yesterday.. cheers james
And by their actions they shall be known.
Also live in amsterdam and this essay or article is so factually incorrect UnHerd removed it within a few hours of publication. Shouty and rude footballers does not rationalise the PREMEDITATED and organised attack on them. Maybe the author should stick to subjects he knows, or bother to translate some local Dutch news.
Where's the evidence of premeditation as opposed to organization?
You don't need premeditation when you've got cell phones, Whats App, and Telegram.
Are you saying that Maccabi Tel Aviv didn't engage in violence of their own?
I can’t get my head around the intransigence of MSM when it comes to apportioning any blame to any Israeli or Jewish person. The arrogance of these guys. The brazen self-righteousness. And yet they cannot be guilty of any crime. They can do no wrong. This is all the more extraordinary in the face of what is taking place in Gaza - and now Lebanon. Everyone knows this is genocide and indiscriminate killing and yet they all pretend it isn’t happening. Ok - I get the Israel lobby, the extent of Jewish influence over governments, but for the rest of us? Do they think we are blind, deaf and dumb? Well done to the Moroccans and pro-Palestinians who beat the s_ _ _ out of these obnoxious d_ _ _heads. I hope they all get skewered when they get called up by the IDF. And thank you Thomas for once again setting the record straight. Truth must be told.
Sad to see some Belgian politicians involved; here e.g. Sophie Wilmès who briefly was PM
So now if someone doesn't like your terrorists' flag, it's OK to give them a good kicking, is it?
Was this article posted on UnHerd, and then taken down? And if so, why was it taken down?