“as paranoid as the Russian fear of NATO encirclement.”? Excuse me? How is something that can be factually seen and borne out being paranoid? The US has been perfectly clear that encircling Russia with nato bases is a goal.
thanks, but this viewpoint is out of touch with a number of other realities... maybe it is a british thing?? ukraine does have a nazi ideology.. it was cultivated by the cia for a very long time.. it was no accident nuland handing out cookies and describing who was going to be in power in ukraine... if this writer is unable to see any of this, it is his loss....
a much bigger hole in the article is avoiding the money aspect... city of london has a vested interest in capitalizing on the vast wealth of russia as does wall st.. both these financial complex work hand in hand to get the political results they want... it ain't working, no matter how much bs propaganda gets thrown in westerners faces... great game my ass... one big con game is what the great game is here..
Jonathan Haslam in his recent book “Hubris” follows the diplomatic and documentary history from which it is very clear that NATO expansion was an American policy intended to ensure its relevance in (and dominance over) Europe.
In recent interviews Boris Johnson has said “it’s a proxy war” and it’s about “maintaining Western hegemony.” Various bloviating American congressmen have gleefully observed that the Ukrainians are fighting Russia for us.
The West has badly misjudged Russian capabilities, and its own (it lacks the industrial capacity to produce shells and missiles in sufficient quantity).
Wise heads “doing the math” realised early on that Ukraine could not possibly win this war, but the West persists with the fantasy narratives of Russia as a “gas station with nukes” and Putin as the latest Hitler set on conquering all of Europe.
The US has crippled European industry by destroying Nordstream (according to Seymour Hersh) and Europe has damaged itself economically by cutting itself off from cheap Russian gas (albeit still buying Russian oil, if more expensively via 3rd parties).
It’s not a case of forcing Russia to negotiate - they negotiated with Ukraine shortly after launching the SMO, but the US intervened sending messenger boy Boris to persuade Zelensky to drink Western kool aid - it’s a matter of the West waking up to its folly and understanding there are two sides to the security dilemma (as JFK did in the Cuban missile crisis, removing provocative US missiles from Turkey).
Great article but you are demonstrably incorrect on one point. Contemporary opinion polling from 2014 showed a majority of Ukrainians opposed the maidan coup. In 2010 pew opinion polling showed Ukrainians 2 to 1,against joining nato. https://archive.is/2023.10.11-124946/https://www.kyivpost.com/post/7158
A bit of a side note to the main point here but had to comment about your ludicrous presenting of trump as "bringing peace". Did you actually see who he filled his administration with? The most most RABID NeoCon ZIONIST WARMONGERS on the planet!! Sure, the deep state swamp creatures in his ultra-zionist WarHawk NeoCon administration might take away the weapons from the nazis in ukraine but that's only because the american oligarch billionaires' empire wants to shift it into the hands of the supremacist zionist torturers and child-abusers for their coming attack on iran and for their extermination of the indigenous people of west asia AND also in order to focus all the fire power and resources of the capitalist billionaire empire's on their coming attack on china
Please look at the in-depth investigative video report below to see with your own eyes trump's new War Hawk NeoCon cabinet of fundamentalist evangelical-zionist warmongers and ultra-rich NeoCon abusers (with all of trump's picks for top position in the billionaores' global empire sharing a profoundly belligerent militaristic Godless right-wing ideology of Domination, Greed, Tribalist Supremacy, De-humanization, Genocide, Erasure of others and Power Over).
The most pro-billionaire pro-war pro-M.I.C ultra-zionist humanity-dividing pro-war anti-unity anti-workers anti-human cabinet of billionaire representitives in american history https://youtu.be/iwsrUUkDBWg?si=hGOWsM-aKZ5FSHOd
And see also here, about the idiot fundamentalist lunatics that he filled his administration with (acting according to the instruction of his zionist oligarch handlers, the clever manipulators who ran his deceptive PR campaign and brought him to power) https://open.substack.com/pub/yasha/p/trump-and-messianic-zionism-in-the
And then please see this profoundly important essay with full citations for the exact reason for why trump, the billionaires' man in the white house, appointed these vile NeoCon Zionist WarMongers to the most powerful positions in the world https://www.pdrboston.org/us-wars-not-meant-to-be-won-just-waged
And see here, on exactly what he and his oligarch billionaire buddies are aiming to do with his extreme WarMongering cabinet of tribalist hatred to divide humanity along religious-ethnic lines for his billionaires' divide-and-rule strategy https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-trump-foreign-policy-team-will
If one doesn’t understand the logic that guides the billionaire ruling class (and has been guiding them for centuries), as shown in detail in the above essays with numerous examples, then one would have no idea what is going on and will be easy prey for the ruling class' propaganda and savior psyops (like the obama psyop or the trump psyop or the musk psyop)
Once again the american people have fallen for a FALSE MESSIAH and the carefully crafted propaganda narrative that presented him as "anti-elite rebel, man of the people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy' .
Once again he and his zionist NeoCon billionaires are laughing at all the gullible MAGA/Qanon fools who fell for this deception yet again.. Once again his cabinet is the POLAR OPPOSITE of the so-called "anti-war peace president" fake narrative that was sold to his gullible hypnotized worshippers.
And the deceptive Qanon/MAGA slogan that he is "non-intervetionist peace president" is also complete baloney. See the video above that goes over his policies in the 1st term and what is clearly set to be a much more interventionist and war mongering 2nd term, led by his cabinet of extreme NeoCon Zionist WarHawks and fundamentalist evangelicals, with an almost certain attack on iran coming soon and likely also on china (ie. a nuclear world war and the end of life on earth, which is great if you're a zionist evangelical hoping for the armagedon end-of-days war to bring in the rupture - exactly the kind of idiots that zionist trump filled his administration with and put in charge of the most powerful and lethal empire in the entire history of mankind..)
PS. I mentioned the musk deception above (which many people have fallen for, including you charles, it seems, and actually believe musk and his GOP-slanted algorithms and censorship on X/twitter, are "pro-freedom") so here are three resource that expose at-depth the Musk deception, who he really is, what did he actually do in life, the fake narrative built around him, and where he and his ruling class billionaire buddies are taking us :
Well said. I was also surprised by this line, describing trump as 'bringing peace'. One can be excused of maybe falling for this slogan in 2016, but not now, after we've already had an entire presidency with him and after seeing his disastrous new administration, which is, like you said, full of war hawks, NeoCons and ultra-Zionists.
I had a feeling Musk wasn’t the cuddly kitten loving genius he wanted us to believe he was but that there must be some other layers of deranged megalomaniac thinking behind his strategy of wanting to rule the world.
Thanks for those resources, will get through them eventually.
Very enlightening article offering detailed historical perspectives and insights I had not fully understood. Of course, Britain’s post colonial inflated sense of its own importance was apparent- but the almost fanatical hostility toward Russia, especially given all they contributed to our salvation in WW2, seemed incomprehensible. I am also staggered (in light of our conflictual history with American independence - and its late entry into WW2) that the U.K. public does not feel humiliated and ashamed to be the U.S. poodle. This is how the rest of the world regards us as we continue to do the U.S’s bidding - even in giving cover to Israeli genocide and in our apparent disdain for international law. I am ashamed to be British.
I'm curious why you think Britain is a poodle. The whole Ukraine situation has blown that thesis out of the water. In fact, Britain has complained repeatedly about Biden's "reticence" for escalation. Numerous desperate trips from Boris and Starmer and Cameron to Washington proves I'm right. Biden never flew to London to ask Britain for anything. Britain's the warmongering psychopath in this tragic opera. But I guess the poodle theory allows the Brits to claim nothing's their fault. Aye, there it is.
British politicians - especially Boris who wrote a terribly superficial book about his hero Churchill - like to talk ‘big’ on foreign affairs. Perfidious Albion riding on the coat-tails of the US superpower as though we still mattered - and urging Biden and Blinken et al to ‘stand with Ukraine whatever it takes’ like a little kid on the sidelines cheering for the older brother who can beat up everyone on the block. Talk is cheap and it plays well with the masses.
It's much worse than that. Britain wants Russia destroyed or at least shattered into 500 bits and is trying to drag America into a war to make that happen. This isn't mere chest-beating from a has-been empire, it's the behavior of a country that knows it's *still* an empire and to a great extent can push America into doing its bidding. Some poodle!
not accurate about the reasons for Russian invasion. Biased western centric drivel which frankly im sick of seeing in mainsteam sources so in Substack - an unfollow.
As paranoid as the Russian fear of NATO encirclement? 😂
At some point genuine Western admiration for Ukraine’s struggle for its independence has morphed into a proxy war. ‘Morphed’? 😂 This was always the plan?
Honestly, I’m just an ordinary guy with access to the internet…… The resources this guy has to have, and he’s amplifying nonsense tropes?! As Meirshiemer says……. Not a serious argument.
"Russians were not wrong to see a Western, and particularly American-led, plot to detach Ukraine from Russia. But they could not explain popular support for it in the streets of Kyiv."
This appears to me to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the Russian position on this.
The Democratically elected Government violently overthrown by the 2014 Maidan Coup in a CIA/Mi6 putsch had been voted in mainly by voters East of the Dnepr River, plus Odessa & Nikolaev. But a national majority overall. Reflecting longstanding cultural, familial and economic connexions and voting/polling patterns. Even in WW2 this split was evident. The 'Nationalists' & Nazi Collaborators & Holocaust perpetrators were in the West. The Ukranian mobs pursuing Jews, beating them to death or assisting the SS at Babi Yar et al were in the West. Lviv & Kiev notably we're extensively filmed by participants & onlookers.
What did surprise the Russian leadership is how effectively Ukrainian media, politicians and youth groups were able to brainwash the population after 2014. Using similar tactics and strategies to those used by the Nazis in 1930s Germany.
People can try to deny this. Which is fair enough as long as they have the decency to want examine the overwhelming evidence in totality. But even the least Russophobic Western academics still fall victim to the conditioned response of labelling such calls to evidence as 'disinformation'. Revealingly, avoiding the proper cognitive term 'misinformation' as that would require proper attention to matters of truth & falsity. Reflecting the triumph of Western propaganda over its own intellectual classes.
Might be of interest
Prof Glenn Diesen - The Science of Anti-Russian Propaganda
This write is rife with with bias. Lots of missing information. I don't know whether the writer did this on purpose or chose to out of misguidance. I guess some people just want what they want.
Seems a bit of a whitewash with the British story, trying to paint a narrative of noble ideology. No mention of the vast resources in Ukraine, sale of Ukrainian bonds and land, the write down of bonds plus Rothschild's involvement in the brokerage.
This is nonsense. “Lord Granville outlined the British principles of foreign policy as follows: “It is the duty and the interest of this country, having possessions scattered over the whole world, and priding itself on its advanced state of civilization, to encourage moral, intellectual and physical progress among all other nations”.” The British Empire has ALWAYS been directly responsible for the most appalling crimes against humanity (see “The Blood Never Dried” by John Newsinger). The British murdered millions in India (not just Churchill but he too), and have spread blood & terror all over the world. They also helped fund Mussolini (to whom Churchill wrote fan letters even in 1944!!!), Franco & Hitler. That the UK is currently funding Nazis in the Ukraine should hardly surprise. It has always been a game of “divide and rule” and never one of encouraging “moral, intellectual and physical progress among all other nations” (if anything: quite the opposite!).
Always and forever about the money. Regardless of old rivalries used to manipulate public opinion, the fact remains that Russia is rich with natural resources that western multinational corporations want to exploit. Power and profit-all that matters to the psychopaths running the world. The people are the expendable means to their greed driven end. They are the snakes and scorpions that Jesus Christ warned us about. Let’s band together and give peace a chance.
All throughout the article I was shocked that my favorite author, journalist, and political analyst could write such an unenlightened piece, seemingly captive to most of the standard western imperial fallacies, until I realized at the end, with relief, that it was written by a guest writer, a British lord.
“as paranoid as the Russian fear of NATO encirclement.”? Excuse me? How is something that can be factually seen and borne out being paranoid? The US has been perfectly clear that encircling Russia with nato bases is a goal.
thanks, but this viewpoint is out of touch with a number of other realities... maybe it is a british thing?? ukraine does have a nazi ideology.. it was cultivated by the cia for a very long time.. it was no accident nuland handing out cookies and describing who was going to be in power in ukraine... if this writer is unable to see any of this, it is his loss....
a much bigger hole in the article is avoiding the money aspect... city of london has a vested interest in capitalizing on the vast wealth of russia as does wall st.. both these financial complex work hand in hand to get the political results they want... it ain't working, no matter how much bs propaganda gets thrown in westerners faces... great game my ass... one big con game is what the great game is here..
a much better read and one that highlights the uk too...
Jonathan Haslam in his recent book “Hubris” follows the diplomatic and documentary history from which it is very clear that NATO expansion was an American policy intended to ensure its relevance in (and dominance over) Europe.
In recent interviews Boris Johnson has said “it’s a proxy war” and it’s about “maintaining Western hegemony.” Various bloviating American congressmen have gleefully observed that the Ukrainians are fighting Russia for us.
The West has badly misjudged Russian capabilities, and its own (it lacks the industrial capacity to produce shells and missiles in sufficient quantity).
Wise heads “doing the math” realised early on that Ukraine could not possibly win this war, but the West persists with the fantasy narratives of Russia as a “gas station with nukes” and Putin as the latest Hitler set on conquering all of Europe.
The US has crippled European industry by destroying Nordstream (according to Seymour Hersh) and Europe has damaged itself economically by cutting itself off from cheap Russian gas (albeit still buying Russian oil, if more expensively via 3rd parties).
It’s not a case of forcing Russia to negotiate - they negotiated with Ukraine shortly after launching the SMO, but the US intervened sending messenger boy Boris to persuade Zelensky to drink Western kool aid - it’s a matter of the West waking up to its folly and understanding there are two sides to the security dilemma (as JFK did in the Cuban missile crisis, removing provocative US missiles from Turkey).
Thanks for pointing out Haslam's book, I'll check it out.
Excellent and succinct
Great article but you are demonstrably incorrect on one point. Contemporary opinion polling from 2014 showed a majority of Ukrainians opposed the maidan coup. In 2010 pew opinion polling showed Ukrainians 2 to 1,against joining nato. https://archive.is/2023.10.11-124946/https://www.kyivpost.com/post/7158
A bit of a side note to the main point here but had to comment about your ludicrous presenting of trump as "bringing peace". Did you actually see who he filled his administration with? The most most RABID NeoCon ZIONIST WARMONGERS on the planet!! Sure, the deep state swamp creatures in his ultra-zionist WarHawk NeoCon administration might take away the weapons from the nazis in ukraine but that's only because the american oligarch billionaires' empire wants to shift it into the hands of the supremacist zionist torturers and child-abusers for their coming attack on iran and for their extermination of the indigenous people of west asia AND also in order to focus all the fire power and resources of the capitalist billionaire empire's on their coming attack on china
Please look at the in-depth investigative video report below to see with your own eyes trump's new War Hawk NeoCon cabinet of fundamentalist evangelical-zionist warmongers and ultra-rich NeoCon abusers (with all of trump's picks for top position in the billionaores' global empire sharing a profoundly belligerent militaristic Godless right-wing ideology of Domination, Greed, Tribalist Supremacy, De-humanization, Genocide, Erasure of others and Power Over).
The most pro-billionaire pro-war pro-M.I.C ultra-zionist humanity-dividing pro-war anti-unity anti-workers anti-human cabinet of billionaire representitives in american history https://youtu.be/iwsrUUkDBWg?si=hGOWsM-aKZ5FSHOd
And see also here, about the idiot fundamentalist lunatics that he filled his administration with (acting according to the instruction of his zionist oligarch handlers, the clever manipulators who ran his deceptive PR campaign and brought him to power) https://open.substack.com/pub/yasha/p/trump-and-messianic-zionism-in-the
And then please see this profoundly important essay with full citations for the exact reason for why trump, the billionaires' man in the white house, appointed these vile NeoCon Zionist WarMongers to the most powerful positions in the world https://www.pdrboston.org/us-wars-not-meant-to-be-won-just-waged
And see here, on exactly what he and his oligarch billionaire buddies are aiming to do with his extreme WarMongering cabinet of tribalist hatred to divide humanity along religious-ethnic lines for his billionaires' divide-and-rule strategy https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-trump-foreign-policy-team-will
If one doesn’t understand the logic that guides the billionaire ruling class (and has been guiding them for centuries), as shown in detail in the above essays with numerous examples, then one would have no idea what is going on and will be easy prey for the ruling class' propaganda and savior psyops (like the obama psyop or the trump psyop or the musk psyop)
Once again the american people have fallen for a FALSE MESSIAH and the carefully crafted propaganda narrative that presented him as "anti-elite rebel, man of the people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy' .
Once again he and his zionist NeoCon billionaires are laughing at all the gullible MAGA/Qanon fools who fell for this deception yet again.. Once again his cabinet is the POLAR OPPOSITE of the so-called "anti-war peace president" fake narrative that was sold to his gullible hypnotized worshippers.
And the deceptive Qanon/MAGA slogan that he is "non-intervetionist peace president" is also complete baloney. See the video above that goes over his policies in the 1st term and what is clearly set to be a much more interventionist and war mongering 2nd term, led by his cabinet of extreme NeoCon Zionist WarHawks and fundamentalist evangelicals, with an almost certain attack on iran coming soon and likely also on china (ie. a nuclear world war and the end of life on earth, which is great if you're a zionist evangelical hoping for the armagedon end-of-days war to bring in the rupture - exactly the kind of idiots that zionist trump filled his administration with and put in charge of the most powerful and lethal empire in the entire history of mankind..)
PS. I mentioned the musk deception above (which many people have fallen for, including you charles, it seems, and actually believe musk and his GOP-slanted algorithms and censorship on X/twitter, are "pro-freedom") so here are three resource that expose at-depth the Musk deception, who he really is, what did he actually do in life, the fake narrative built around him, and where he and his ruling class billionaire buddies are taking us :
• https://corbettreport.com/musk/
• https://odysee.com/@swprs:3/elon-musk-cia-space-x:9?src=embed
And here https://www.mintpressnews.com/identity-verification-or-data-exposure-twitter-using-israeli-tech-firm-headed-by-ex-military-officials-to-verify-users/286156/ on how Musk works together with israeli "intelligence" agencies to transfer your data to israel for surveillance (as well as censorship and "visability filtering" if you write the wrong tweet) by the empire's supremacist zionist colony in west asia.
More on Musk selling you to zionist surveillance here https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2024/06/x-premium-users-face-stark-choice-hand-over-biometric-identitifiers-id-to-israeli-intelligence-linked-company-or-lose-monetisation.html
On Musk's promotion and amplifying of Israeli AI-bots on X: https://www.mintpressnews.com/are-you-debating-a-bot-investigation-reveals-israeli-disinformation-ai-network/288635/
Well said. I was also surprised by this line, describing trump as 'bringing peace'. One can be excused of maybe falling for this slogan in 2016, but not now, after we've already had an entire presidency with him and after seeing his disastrous new administration, which is, like you said, full of war hawks, NeoCons and ultra-Zionists.
I had a feeling Musk wasn’t the cuddly kitten loving genius he wanted us to believe he was but that there must be some other layers of deranged megalomaniac thinking behind his strategy of wanting to rule the world.
Thanks for those resources, will get through them eventually.
Very enlightening article offering detailed historical perspectives and insights I had not fully understood. Of course, Britain’s post colonial inflated sense of its own importance was apparent- but the almost fanatical hostility toward Russia, especially given all they contributed to our salvation in WW2, seemed incomprehensible. I am also staggered (in light of our conflictual history with American independence - and its late entry into WW2) that the U.K. public does not feel humiliated and ashamed to be the U.S. poodle. This is how the rest of the world regards us as we continue to do the U.S’s bidding - even in giving cover to Israeli genocide and in our apparent disdain for international law. I am ashamed to be British.
I'm curious why you think Britain is a poodle. The whole Ukraine situation has blown that thesis out of the water. In fact, Britain has complained repeatedly about Biden's "reticence" for escalation. Numerous desperate trips from Boris and Starmer and Cameron to Washington proves I'm right. Biden never flew to London to ask Britain for anything. Britain's the warmongering psychopath in this tragic opera. But I guess the poodle theory allows the Brits to claim nothing's their fault. Aye, there it is.
British politicians - especially Boris who wrote a terribly superficial book about his hero Churchill - like to talk ‘big’ on foreign affairs. Perfidious Albion riding on the coat-tails of the US superpower as though we still mattered - and urging Biden and Blinken et al to ‘stand with Ukraine whatever it takes’ like a little kid on the sidelines cheering for the older brother who can beat up everyone on the block. Talk is cheap and it plays well with the masses.
It's much worse than that. Britain wants Russia destroyed or at least shattered into 500 bits and is trying to drag America into a war to make that happen. This isn't mere chest-beating from a has-been empire, it's the behavior of a country that knows it's *still* an empire and to a great extent can push America into doing its bidding. Some poodle!
not accurate about the reasons for Russian invasion. Biased western centric drivel which frankly im sick of seeing in mainsteam sources so in Substack - an unfollow.
‘Depleted armed forces? 😂
As paranoid as the Russian fear of NATO encirclement? 😂
At some point genuine Western admiration for Ukraine’s struggle for its independence has morphed into a proxy war. ‘Morphed’? 😂 This was always the plan?
Honestly, I’m just an ordinary guy with access to the internet…… The resources this guy has to have, and he’s amplifying nonsense tropes?! As Meirshiemer says……. Not a serious argument.
"Russians were not wrong to see a Western, and particularly American-led, plot to detach Ukraine from Russia. But they could not explain popular support for it in the streets of Kyiv."
This appears to me to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the Russian position on this.
The Democratically elected Government violently overthrown by the 2014 Maidan Coup in a CIA/Mi6 putsch had been voted in mainly by voters East of the Dnepr River, plus Odessa & Nikolaev. But a national majority overall. Reflecting longstanding cultural, familial and economic connexions and voting/polling patterns. Even in WW2 this split was evident. The 'Nationalists' & Nazi Collaborators & Holocaust perpetrators were in the West. The Ukranian mobs pursuing Jews, beating them to death or assisting the SS at Babi Yar et al were in the West. Lviv & Kiev notably we're extensively filmed by participants & onlookers.
What did surprise the Russian leadership is how effectively Ukrainian media, politicians and youth groups were able to brainwash the population after 2014. Using similar tactics and strategies to those used by the Nazis in 1930s Germany.
People can try to deny this. Which is fair enough as long as they have the decency to want examine the overwhelming evidence in totality. But even the least Russophobic Western academics still fall victim to the conditioned response of labelling such calls to evidence as 'disinformation'. Revealingly, avoiding the proper cognitive term 'misinformation' as that would require proper attention to matters of truth & falsity. Reflecting the triumph of Western propaganda over its own intellectual classes.
Might be of interest
Prof Glenn Diesen - The Science of Anti-Russian Propaganda
This write is rife with with bias. Lots of missing information. I don't know whether the writer did this on purpose or chose to out of misguidance. I guess some people just want what they want.
Because the Brit elite hates their citizens, and dream of being important. Pretty simple.
Seems a bit of a whitewash with the British story, trying to paint a narrative of noble ideology. No mention of the vast resources in Ukraine, sale of Ukrainian bonds and land, the write down of bonds plus Rothschild's involvement in the brokerage.
Because the UK gets a serious boner everytime it can relive its former imperial “greatness” with fueling yet another devastating war.
They would help mass exterminate children, just to feel important… oh wait… they have already been doing that in Gaza.
This is nonsense. “Lord Granville outlined the British principles of foreign policy as follows: “It is the duty and the interest of this country, having possessions scattered over the whole world, and priding itself on its advanced state of civilization, to encourage moral, intellectual and physical progress among all other nations”.” The British Empire has ALWAYS been directly responsible for the most appalling crimes against humanity (see “The Blood Never Dried” by John Newsinger). The British murdered millions in India (not just Churchill but he too), and have spread blood & terror all over the world. They also helped fund Mussolini (to whom Churchill wrote fan letters even in 1944!!!), Franco & Hitler. That the UK is currently funding Nazis in the Ukraine should hardly surprise. It has always been a game of “divide and rule” and never one of encouraging “moral, intellectual and physical progress among all other nations” (if anything: quite the opposite!).
Always and forever about the money. Regardless of old rivalries used to manipulate public opinion, the fact remains that Russia is rich with natural resources that western multinational corporations want to exploit. Power and profit-all that matters to the psychopaths running the world. The people are the expendable means to their greed driven end. They are the snakes and scorpions that Jesus Christ warned us about. Let’s band together and give peace a chance.
All throughout the article I was shocked that my favorite author, journalist, and political analyst could write such an unenlightened piece, seemingly captive to most of the standard western imperial fallacies, until I realized at the end, with relief, that it was written by a guest writer, a British lord.