Thanks for posting her speech. Cogent courage like hers is urgently needed now.

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This just made my day! Thank you! I hope this politician’s refreshing honesty and passion signals a sea change in European attitudes after that arrogant prat Macron stoking antagonism by threatening to put ‘boots on the ground’.

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My thanks as well for posting this. So great to see some good sense coming from German parliamentarians. Despite their different ideological backgrounds, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance and ADF need to work together to stop the madness at work in Germany.

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Thank you, Thomas! Sahra Wagenknecht is a politician. But will this change anything???????? This is pure madness! And then you have this from France: “We have huge debts, we have no money for hospitals, we have no money for our farmers, we have no money for pensions, we have no money for our public services, but we are happy to invest billions in NATO. We are crazy. NATO controls every country like a slave. Yet, as a union, NATO should have disappeared with the dissolution of the Soviet Union," he said.”


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A wonderful speech.

The West, misled by hatred for Putin and Russia (not by any affection for the Ukrainians) is prolonging the agony of the war. And playing with fire.

But of course, it's almost forbidden for any politician or commentator to point this out.

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wow. good for her. We could use some truth tellers here in the United states of amnesia too.

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