Congratulations Thomas, Twitter is now flagging links to your Substack as 'spammy or unsafe'.

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It's a spat between Twitter and Substack, nothing personal (I'm sorry to say!)

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All well and good, but irrelevant given the apparent European leadership's subordination to the United States' interests at the literal expense of Europe's own interests.

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Since when did Master care about the well-being of his serfs?

Anyway, Europeans *like* being slaves. A slave doesn't have to make any decisions and therefore never has to take responsibility for those decisions. Look at how Europoliticians mumble and stare at their shoes whenever Nordstream is brought up. A blatant act of war by the United States against Europe, and Europeans cannot bring themselves to admit the obvious. Plenty of Europeans even express gratitude to the United States for attacking their infrastructure. "Beat me more, Master! I deserve it!"

Besides, Europeans tell themselves that the life of a house slave isn't so bad, compared with that of a field slave. Didn't Borrell say something about a Europe being a "garden" and the outside world a "jungle"?

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